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Monday, May 12, 2008

I Have Returned

I have returned, after once again being caught in a downsizing strategy plan. So... I am again looking for a new position or ' in transition'.

I started writing this blog while I was 'in transition' last year, and failed to keep up with it, due to work and family commitments. However, I did maintain my connections with the network I built and nurtured over the previous 18 month transitional phase. I am happy to report that even a monthly connection with the network does help to re-awaken activity when required.

This leads me to discuss the notion of Networking as it applies to assisting you in obtaining that new position. I will discuss this throughout this week, with my own experiences, books I have read on how to network, and other references.

Ultimately you still need to sell yourself to the 'right' company, it certainly helps to have inside help to get in the door to present what you can do for the company.

But first things first
- If you have just been informed that you are no longer employed there are several things to take care of, and you do need to allow yourself time to adjust to your situation.

Often this news comes as a shock to us, even if we heard rumors or felt 'vibes' of impending layoffs, downsizing, or restructuring being possible. I believe that it is human nature to protect our fragility, to deny until we are actually handed the Notice or Employee Layoff Agreement. We seem to require it in writing before our brains will process it as really happening.

Also I notice that even though we talk as if we understand, we are not completely able to comprehend. It takes a few days to weeks, depending on the circumstances and the individual.
Myself I have noticed that the longer I have worked at the company, having formed more bonds with colleagues - the longer it has taken for me to fully grasp that I do not work there any longer.
The shorter termed employments are much easier to grasp, but still seem to be aftershocks.

In first things first - allow yourself time to adjust, wallow in self pity if necessary, be angry at the world, and just do nothing towards moving forward - for a set time period. I set for myself in one situation as a month, this particular time one day, and you may find a week is a good time frame to allow yourself to feel wounded, before dealing with your next steps.

Others around you, such as your close family members may not understand your need to appreciate being wounded. Such as your loving mate, may try to encourage you to find work, any work as quickly as possible. This is understandable, as they have had the rug pulled from under them as well. Discuss the time frame you require with these people that are affected along with you, such as your family and close friends. As long as any financial concerns are taken care of, you will find that others will support you in finding your 'ready to find a new job' feet.

Also, the longer you were employed in your position, the more confused you may be about 'what you want to be when you grow up" or flirt with the thought of 'maybe this is a good time to try something new'. Wonderfully, there are many helpful tools to use in reference books, and online resources to guide you through these thought processes.

BUT - first do take at least one day to just 'chill out' and attend to your wounds. Sleep in, if that is something that feels good to do for yourself at this time, read a book other than a business / work related material, sit in the sun, go for a walk, play with your children, bake a cake! Do whatever it is that you feel you need, before gathering the mindset to attend to the 'job search'.

I will leave you with this idea as I toast you with my cold beer that I poured for myself to bade farewell to the old and welcome the new .... as tomorrow is day 1 of my new job search.
